Treatment Facilities Committee

To coordinate the work of individual AA members and groups who are interested in carrying our message to alcoholics in settings engaged in alcoholism treatment and other institutions where individuals may have limited access to the message of the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.
— Treatment Facilities Committee

Committee Chair Contact
Henry F. ·

Treatment Facilities Committee Guidelines

Please email if:

  • You are a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and would like to be of service.

  • You are an institution that would like support and/or a visit from a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Committee Meets

July 19th: Treatment Committee meeting will be at 7PM, July 19th via Google Meet. Please email for login information. Thank you for your service.

Service Opportunities

Do you have a call to service? If so, please join us as we learn how to effectively carry the message of AA in treatment facilities, understand the principles behind our service, and get others involved in service. Please email for more information.

Bridging the Gap is a Temporary Contact Program between Alcoholics Anonymous and individuals in a treatment program. The goal of Bridging the Gap is to get new members plugged in to AA in the community to which they will discharge as soon as possible after leaving a Program. We want to introduce new members to local AA by pairing them with a member who has worked and continues to work the steps of the program, is exhibiting significant maintenance of sobriety through AA, and active in the fellowship. This person will act as a guide to various meetings thereby helping the person coming or returning to AA feel less isolated as they discover what is available in their new home.

District 3B/3C of the Southwest Texas Area 68 of Alcoholics Anonymous maintains a list of AA members willing to serve in this capacity. We are also in contact with members in Treatment Facilities who wish to take advantage of this opportunity. We attempt to match someone new to AA with persons of the same sex and age group where possible.

Please email if:

  • You will be coming to the Austin area after leaving treatment for alcoholism or alcohol detoxification treatment.

  • You are a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and wish to serve as a Bridging the Gap volunteer.

Ongoing Opportunities for Service

If you or your home group would like to contact Austin area treatment facilities to discuss opportunities to carry the message, email for more information.

Current Happenings/Events: